Frequently Asked Questions

Our "REALTOR® of Choice" Listing Fees

Only $6.95/mo.

TOP REALTOR® Listing Guidelines

  Can any REALTOR be listed on your network?

  No. We list only Experienced Full time REALTORS

  Can any REALTOR be listed as the TOP 10 in my City/area?

  No. We list only TOP REALTORS who report the most sales

  Can all REALTORS in my company get listed in my Location?

  We will list only 3 REALTORS per agency per City/location

  Can any REALTOR be listed as the TOP 10 in my State?

  No. The TOP 10 REALTORS in the State are listed by invitation only

  How do you select the TOP 10 REALTORS in the State?

  We invite REALTORS who report the most sales & referrals each year

  Can I personalize the wording in my listing?

  Yes. You can write your own listing info.

  Can you link to my webpage in my company's website?

  Yes. We link to your personal webpage in your company's website.
Network Leads and Referral Information

  Do you provide Leads or Referrals?

  We provide you both Leads and Referrals

  What is your "R2R" Referral System?

  "R2R" allows you to Connect with a Referred Client in Minutes

  Is there a fee to send a Referral?

  No - There is no fee to send a Referral

  What is the fee for a Successful Lead?

  10% of your Gross Commission on completion of Sale

  What is the fee for a Successful Referral?

  10% to 30% of your Gross Commission on completion of Sale

  Who sets the Referral Fee split?

  The Referring Realtor when sending you the Referral

  Do I have to accept the Referral?

  No - But you must notify the Referring Realtor A.S.A.P.

  Is there a fee for an unsuccessful Referral?

  No - There is no fee for an unsuccessful Referral

  Is there a Network fee for a successful Referral?

  Yes - a $29 referral processing fee on completion of the Sale

  Where do your Leads and Referrals come from?

  Our REALTOR partners in the USA and Canada
TOP REALTOR® City and State Awards

  How do I get your REALTOR of Choice in my City Award?

  You receive this award when we approve your listing applicaton

  How do I get your yearly TOP REALTOR in my City Award?

  Your City Award is based on your number of sales and referrals

  How do I get your yearly TOP REALTOR in my State Award?

  Your State Award is based on your number of sales and referrals

  How can my TOP REALTOR Awards be viewed?

  Yes. Your Awards can be viewed in your "Listing Tools"

  Can my TOP REALTOR Awards be viewed on my website?

  Yes. Your Awards can be viewed on your own website

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